มินิฮาร์ท (MINI HEART) คืออะไร หมายถึงอะไร
จากกระแสแถลงข่าวของวัดพระธรรมกาย ที่ได้นำทีเด็ดส่งมินิฮาร์ท (MINI HEART) ส่งความรักให้กับทุกคนนั้น จริงๆแล้วสัญลักษณ์แบบนี้มีที่มาที่ไปอย่างไร
The Ghost Brushed Away
She was only 10 years old and her dad is polarized. All her sisters got married and stayed in a separated house. As a result, she was the only one taking care of her dad until he passes away. She likes to do a merit and always help other people before helping herself. What will be fruits of these merits that she has been doing?
Perpetual Virtue Never Been Told - Part 1
He grew up in a perfect family. He was taught to have discipline and moral principles. He quite succeeded in his study and career. His life went into a politics and got many important positions in politics, such as minister in the prime minister’s office. People respected him as a “political advisor”
The essence of wealth “U, A, KA, SA”. CAn these words really make us rich or not?
I’ve seen somebody recites the essence of wealth “U, A, KA, SA” believing these words can give them wealth. I’d like to know if these words can really make us rich or not.
The Noble Truth of Suffering : 4. Suffering as a result of Dying [marana dukkha]
All living beings have to undergo death before they are able to leave one existence for the next
โครงการสัมมนา Easy Tips for a Healthy Mind & body
ขอเรียนเชิญทุกท่านเข้าร่วมโครงการสัมมนา Easy Tips for a Healthy Mind & body วันที่ 8 – 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2562 ณ เขาใหญ่ อ.ปากช่อง จ.นครราชสีมา
This is Mine! Don't Dare To Touch It!!
Anyone that doesn’t know how marriage brings pain, please listen to this! Her husband said she was a good person there was nothing wrong with her at all and he still loved her but he couldn’t explain why he loved another woman. What retribution caused this? How could she rectify this so that the retribution would not follow her to the next life? DMC has the answers.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Blameless Work (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Eighteen :- Blameless Work.
Some people think there shouldn’t be any resolution when making merit, because it is as if one is greedy or one expects something in return. How to correct this misunderstanding?
Some people think there shouldn’t be any resolution when making merit, because it is as if one is greedy or one expects something in return. I don’t know how to correct this misunderstanding.
วิธีลดความอ้วน เคล็ดไม่ลับ..ที่อยากบอกต่อ
ปัญหาที่สาวๆ หลายๆ คนกลัวว่าจะทำให้เสียบุคลิกภาพคือ ความอ้วน ที่จริงแล้วนอกจากบุคลิกภาพจะเสียยังมีผลต่อสุขภาพอีกด้วย